CoreList Corporation

CoreList Corporation

welcome to CORELIST

CoreList - the future of the service industry.

Get or provide any service. Always. Anywhere.

Here's a short video that explains the main concept of CoreList.

Services list

Find any services in one place. In one app. In one list.

Only what's around you. Only where you need it.



For clients

We've gathered all the advantages of other online platforms. And even more.


Convenient and simple search system.



Read reviews and see ratings.



View locations on the map and plan your route.



Directly on the service page.

Service booking


Using the built-in chat.


For business

Promote your services. Find new clients. Expand your business.


Easily create and edit your services.

Service creation


Schedule clients yourself or accept requests.

Scheduling client


Keep track of your schedule for services received and provided.


Target audience

Users visit to receive services, not just for entertainment. Make sure they choose you.



Your profile can be private if you want to offer services only to your regular clients.

Profile settings


We are currently in the product development stage. We ourselves can't wait for the release, but at this moment, it's difficult to say exactly when it will be ready. We are aiming for the end of 2025 to early 2026.

If you are interested in our product and have suggestions on how it can be improved, you can contact us via our email. We welcome collaboration, feedback, and are also happy to answer any questions you may have.

Right now, we're raising funds on Indiegogo. If you like our idea, you can become our backer by visiting our fundraising page through the button below.

About us

CoreList Logo

A little about how we came to be.

Once, there was a need to visit a doctor. To find the right one, I had to ask friends and acquaintances for recommendations. After gathering their advice, I began searching on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Eventually, I found a suitable specialist. A few months passed, and the cycle repeated itself. I had to go through the whole process again. And then, once more.
After yet another doctor's visit, a thought came to mind. So many people go through this same hassle repeatedly. Whether it's finding a hairdresser, a mechanic, a makeup artist, a stylist, or a tutor—the list goes on. Often, we have to go through this search process over and over again, both online and by asking around. And if you've moved to a new city or country, the search process can drag out even longer.
But what if there were an app that unified all these types of services? What if there were a service marketplace—a global list where you could always find exactly what you need, in the location that works for you? A place where you could compare reviews and ratings, check the location, and if the description suits you, book an appointment right away. And so, a new project was born.

Its name is CoreList.

Contact us

Head office

8 The Green, Ste R, Dover, DE 19901, USA.